Are You a Sucker for Student Loans?
It's worth taking some time, effort, and ingenuity to figure out how to make it work for you. So go for it! Learn, grow, improve your prospects!
Hacked on Social Media?
Are you unknowingly bombarding friends with random tweets with dark links? Sharing pictures and clickbait links on Instagram without your knowledge? Is your Facebook spontaneously liking pages?
How many online accounts do you have? Are they safe from hackers and scammers? If so, that means you've probably been careful, or at least lucky.
Every False Claim Is Actually True, According to Recent Ads
A panel of top executives representing major product manufacturers, national magazines, and television networks came clean during a news conference on Tuesday.
It's Time to Up Your Personal Privacy Game
Whether they are listening to us, watching us, or silently collecting data, there are steps you can take to reduce or stop the data collection.
Is Credit Card Privacy a Delusion?
While consumers are distracted by actions financial companies are taking to protect their credit card data from cybercriminals, personal shopping habits are being shared. Data sharing benefits and protects marketers, not consumers.
The Revolutionary Hipster's Thrifty Gift Guide
Stop the madness! Here are some simple ways to undercut the gluttony of the holidays and show people you love them in ways that count.
Can You Flourish in a Gig Economy?
I'm sure you've heard of the term "gig economy", but do you know what it is? Or—perhaps more importantly—how it may impact you and your (future) career?
Your Favorite Celeb Has HOW Many Followers?
Making purchase decisions based solely on a product's online popularity can make you the next victim of deceptive online advertising practices.
Watch Out for These Medicare Scams
The new Medicare cards have a unique ID consisting of random numbers instead of Social Security Numbers. As a result, there has been a rise in scams as scammers try to steal these new numbers.
The Lowdown on Super Market-ing
When you shop, you come home with more products than anticipated, right? I'm even willing to bet that is whether you make a shopping list or not.
Online Profiling: It's Not What You Think. It's Worse!
No, robots have not taken over the planet. But, some online users might think that's the case when they learn how advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology is changing the Internet.
Think Twice Before You One-Click Purchase
There are several downsides to online purchases, even when it's Amazon—and these apply doubly to those tempting pop-up shops you've never heard of that show up in your Facebook and Instagram feed.
What You Should Know About Payroll Cards
A payroll card, also called a pay card, is a prepaid card that is used to provide an employee's wages each payday.
Streaming, Cable, Satellite, or Antenna? How Do You Watch TV?
It's great to have so many choices, but how much is it costing you? Could you save money by choosing different options? Review your options using these tips.
Maximizing Rebate Cards and Gift Cards
If you've ever received a gift card, you know that they can be useful tools to help pay for goods and services. But they also come with a few limitations.
The EDM, err... Electronic Festival You Didn't Know You Were Hosting
Depending on your mobile device, you might already know Siri, Alexa, Robin, and Cortana. They have a ton of friends, mainly other apps, and they're making new ones every day.
Are Fast-Moving Developments Challenging You Financially?
Financial challenges can disrupting to your budget, especially if it’s tight. But what if your tight budget actually had more flexibility to accommodate these challenges?
Beware of Offers to Improve Your Credit Score
Advertising statements such as "free" and "no credit card needed" imply that the product won't cost you dollars, but you will be paying with your data and personal information.
What You Should Know About the Capital One Data Breach
Capital One does not believe that the information stolen has been used in fraud or was widely disseminated although they will continue to investigate.